2014 Annual Kick-Off Meeting

Boise, ID: TIR members met for the 2014 annual kick-off meeting on January 3rd to discuss plans for the coming launch season.  Following introductions, members re-elected the current slate of officers for another 1yr term, set dues at current rates, and reviewed club finances.  The hot topic for this year was the on-going FAA waiver application which has encountered some delay due some personnel changes in the administration.  However, there was confidence from the TIR launch coordinator that the issues would be resolved in a short time to enable the club launch plans.  On the issue of launch plans, the club discussed spring and fall launch dates for the year and adopted the proposed schedule (see launch schedule page for this year's planned dates).  The most significant change to the schedule was a request by members to once again support two-day launches in the Spring and Fall for the SpudRoc and Birds-of-Prey launch dates (weather conditions permitting).